*NIX Instructions

From Clean
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Using Clean on Linux or MacOS systems is not the same as on windows.


- open a terminal and navigate to the place where you would like to store the distribution

   cd /path/to/clean

- download the latest zip

   curl -o clean.zip https://ftp.cs.ru.nl/Clean/builds/macos-x64/clean-bundle-complete-macos-x64-latest.tgz

- unzip the zip file

   tar -xf clean-bundle-complete-macos-x64-latest.tgz

- navigate to the directory

   cd clean-bundle-complete

- add the directory to PATH (e.g. in bash:)

   echo "export PATH=\"$PWD/bin:\$PATH\"" >> .bash_profile

- add the directory to CLEAN_HOME (e.g. in bash:)

   echo "export CLEAN_HOME=\"$PWD\"" >> .bash_profile

Clean 3.0

- open a terminal and navigate to the place where you would like to store the distribution

   cd /path/to/clean

- download the latest zip

   curl -o clean.zip https://ftp.cs.ru.nl/Clean/Clean30/macosx/clean3.0.zip

- unzip the zip file

   unzip clean.zip

- navigate to the directory

   cd clean

- run make


- add the directory to PATH (e.g. in bash:)

   echo "export PATH=\"$PWD/bin:\$PATH\"" >> .bash_profile